WordPress & WooCommerce Development
West Country Fires This is a refresh of the homepage, header & footer as an interim project until they have their site rebuilt. It uses a CSS3 and Flexbox based template, built using a BEM component based approach. https://westcountryfires.co.uk/ HAB Direct A WooCommerce site built using a component based BEM approach. The site build was…
Cartimize – The Best WooCommerce Checkout Plugin Available In 2021?
Just before Christmas, I discovered a brand-new checkout solution for WooCommerce. It’s called Cartimize, and it has one of the boldest claims I’ve ever seen for a checkout plugin: Implement The Best WooCommerce Checkout UX and gain as much as a 35% increase in conversion rate, in under 5 minutes. I admit to initially being…
How to add a new country to WooCommerce
This is a quick post, but I wanted to share it as it recently came in very handy. I had a complaint from a customer who was trying to buy something to ship to the Canary Islands but couldn’t find it in the list of countries in WooCommerce. But the Canary Islands aren’t a country……
Woo Custom Empty Price – Add your own call to action when your product has no price
Selling ‘offline’ products with WooCommerce One of the e-commerce websites I look after sells a lot of heavy-duty equipment that requires installation by a specialist. Because I have no price set on some of the products, I need to show a call to action instead. This is purely for the purpose of generating leads. Standard…
My Simple WordPress Development Workflow
I want to share my development setup and talk about how I do things these days. This post is has two main sections. Part one covers the tools I use, and part two will cover my workflow ie. how I perform common tasks.
WP Dev Flag – How to tell your WordPress Dev from your Production
Ever since I managed to switch all my websites to WordPress, I’ve greatly simplified my local development setup. I don’t need multiple vagrant boxes or docker machines anymore, so for the last 12 months or so, I’ve been running all my local WordPress sites on Local by Flywheel.
How To Customise Your WordPress Author URL – The super-easy way.
A friend of mine, Mike ( who blogs about old cameras amongst other things over at https://www.sgtberbatov.com/ ) came to me with an annoying niggle about his WordPress blog. He showed me that his author pages had been indexed by Google, and if he did a site:sgtberbatov.com, it was listing all his author profiles in…
Got any book recommendations?