West Country Fires
This is a refresh of the homepage, header & footer as an interim project until they have their site rebuilt. It uses a CSS3 and Flexbox based template, built using a BEM component based approach.
HAB Direct
A WooCommerce site built using a component based BEM approach. The site build was coupled with an improved content strategy and restructuring of their Google Ads campaign.

Love Underdogs
A dog adoption website & application built using a headless Laravel 5 application which powers with a VueJS front-end interface.
Console Deals UK
This site is built upon a modern MVC based PHP framework and uses CSS3 Flexbox page layouts. I was responsible for adding the Accessories & Advice sections of the site.

WP Custom Author URL
This plugin will allow you to choose a custom URL for your author links.
This can be useful if you want to link to your own Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media profile.
It currently has 2000+ downloads and 700+ active installs.
Woo Custom Empty Price
I built this plugin to fill a specific need and has gained some traction on the WordPress plugin respository recently. It allows you to add custom HTML in place of the empty price on a WooCommerce single product.

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