About Me

I’m Chris. I’ve been a web developer since before the iPhone existed. I don’t even want to figure out how long ago that was…

I’ve worked in-house, for agencies and freelanced for almost a decade. My all-time favourite platform is WordPress. I love showing others the potential it has, and that educating people that premium themes are a minefield, and with plugins, less is more.

I made this blog to share some of my experiences with WordPress & WooCommerce and to help readers with common problems, that I’ve already encountered and overcome.

I have a gorgeous wife, two great kids and a poodle. When I’m not sat in front of a Mac I like reading, wandering about outdoors & drinking loose tea made in a pot. ( Not at the same time. )

If you want to collaborate on any projects give me a shout at [email protected]

I also participate on Mastodon which is a new kind of social network. You can join me here.