Woo Custom Empty Price – Add your own call to action when your product has no price

Selling ‘offline’ products with WooCommerce

In place of a price, I added a call to action box.

One of the e-commerce websites I look after sells a lot of heavy-duty equipment that requires installation by a specialist. Because I have no price set on some of the products, I need to show a call to action instead. This is purely for the purpose of generating leads.

Standard WooCommerce behaviour for a product with no price is to hide the add to cart button. Because of this, I had to build a plugin to add in a call-to-action box.

The WooCommerce Empty Price HTML Hook

It’s fairly straightforward due to WooCommerce’s excellent API, which makes it possible to extend most aspects of the WooCommerce plugin. ( There are a few instances I’ve wanted to do something and ended up pulling my hair out. However, in this case, I was all set. )

The code makes use of the woocommerce_empty_price_html hook, and here is a basic example of how it can be implemented:


function chrisjallen_price_on_application() {
	// Get access to the $woocommerce_loop
	global $woocommerce_loop;

	// If there is no loop, its not a product page, or the loop has no name, then bail.
	if ( is_null( $woocommerce_loop ) || ! is_product() || strlen( $woocommerce_loop['name'] ) ) {
	// Get the partial and use it.
	chrisjallen_get_template_part( 'partials/product', 'empty-price-box' );

// Add the above function to the woocommerce_empty_price_html filter.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_empty_price_html', 'chrisjallen_price_on_application' );

So, to summarise the above snippet:

  1. Gain access to the WooCommerce products loop.
  2. Check we are in the loop, and on a product page.
  3. Include the HTML we want to display.
  4. Attach the code to the woocommerce_empty_price_html hook.

The above example is very basic and requires you to hard-code your HTML into a template partial. It worked fine for my use-case, but I thought it would help if I enhanced the functionality & packaged it into a plugin.

Woo Custom Empty Price

The Woo Custom Empty Price plugin allows you to add whatever you like, without any coding at all. ( Unless you choose the “Custom HTML” option. ) It gives you three simple content types and allows basic configuration out of the box. You also have an optional CSS class should you choose to roll your own styles.

Each content type is easily selectable via a dropdown, and selecting one will display the relevant options for that content type. I’ll explain the three types here:

Plain text

This is the simplest option of all. It’s a text box, with options for basic styling such as 3 preset font sizes, colour, font weight and italic options. You should find this fine for most cases when you don’t need a link. If you want to style the text yourself, use the default .cep-text class or choose your own.

Call to action

In the case where you require a button, choose ‘Call to action’ as your content type. You have options to set the appearance of the button. You’ll also find a destination URL setting for when the button is clicked. Again, should you require your own styling, you can add a custom CSS class or just style the default .cep-button class.

Custom HTML

The last content type is a WYSIWYG editor, so you can add pretty much whatever HTML you like. Just be aware that as standard, the WYSIWYG editor will not allow you to add script tags, so if you require Javascript functionality, then you’ll need to enqueue your own.

A note about variable products

I’ve designed this plugin primarily for ‘Simple’ products. It works with all types, but will only show if none of your product variations has a price set.

In this scenario, you will also see a built-in WooCommerce message saying “This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

You may not want to display this message, but the only decent way of hiding it is to directly edit your theme template. It’s the default WooCommerce behaviour and if it doesn’t suit you, then the easiest route is to just use a simple product.

Feedback wanted

This plugin is completely free to use, so I’d love it if you can offer feedback if you find it useful. I can use this feedback in future versions, as I’d like to add more features in the next release, such as support for modal pop-ups, custom CSS & the ability to enqueue your own dependency scripts.

If not feedback, then a review on WordPress.org helps massively. Enjoy!







9 responses to “Woo Custom Empty Price – Add your own call to action when your product has no price”

  1. Joh Avatar


    the plugin is exactly what I needed for my website. But I also need would like to have the button clickable and linked to Buddypress messeger system. I gather that the info for .css and coding is here, but I’m not sure if I would be able to activate these within the plugin? Can you help me out here?


    1. Chris Allen Avatar
      Chris Allen

      Hi Joh, in its current form, the plugin doesn’t allow you to add PHP code I’m afraid. I am working on a new feature to allow you to enqueue additional JS & CSS scripts from within the plugin admin, but that wouldn’t help you in this case, as you look like you need to embed PHP.

      I will explore shortcode support in the upcoming release, and then perhaps if you could turn the code on that link into a shortcode, it could be added in.

      I see lots of potential for this kind of plugin, it’s just at a very early version right now 🙂 Watch this space.

  2. Luke Avatar

    Just implemented it onto a website and it works perfectly.
    I selected Custom HTML and added a shortcode. Simple but effective.
    I am using WOODMART theme and encountered zero issues.

  3. Eliton Avatar

    Hello, it worked perfectly! I inserted a button via shortcode.

    But the button was only displayed on the single product, is there any way to display the button on the products archive?

  4. Jodi Avatar

    Hi Chris:
    Using the jQuery Migrate Helper plugin, I get the following message:
    Warnings encountered
    This page generated the following warnings:

    https://www.mywebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/woo-custom-empty-price/admin/js/woo-custom-empty-price-admin.js: jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
    Please make sure you are using the latest version of all of your plugins, and your theme. If you are, you may want to ask the developers of the code mentioned in the warnings for an update.

    Do you have plans to update the plugin soon?

    1. Chris Allen Avatar
      Chris Allen

      Should be good to go now. I still need to reupdate it for WP5.6 but the JavaScript error is fixed
      It was caused by a significant update to jQuery.

  5. Lee Avatar

    Awesome plugin, just want we needed.

  6. Riya Avatar

    If using the Woocommerce plugin t be sure east to set up the product list in the WordPress sites. Then should be added to the product price with the use of the call to action button. Its some time does not show the price of the product.

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